Every stream, every placement, every radio spin; no matter where your original music plays, you deserve your to be paid for your rights. SINFONIASUBLIME’s publishing department has direct affiliations with rights collection agencies around the world and we can get you paid faster than ever.

Are you an artist looking to maximize your earnings and protect your rights in the music industry? Look no further than SINFONIASUBLIME’s dedicated publishing department. Our team is committed to empowering artists like you to collect publishing royalties without compromising your ownership or creative control.

With SINFONIASUBLIME, you can unlock the full potential of your publishing rights while retaining complete ownership of your music. Our transparent and artist-friendly approach ensures that you receive fair compensation for your work without sacrificing your artistic integrity.

Here’s how SINFONIASUBLIME’s publishing department can help you:



We work tirelessly to collect performance, mechanical, and digital income from more than 200 territories worldwide. Our direct affiliations with rights collection agencies ensure that you get paid accurately and promptly for every stream, download, and performance of your music.



Unlike some publishing administrators, we never require artists to transfer ownership of their music rights. With SINFONIASUBLIME, you retain full control and ownership of your compositions while still benefiting from our expert administration services.



Whether your music is being played in your hometown or across the globe, we’ve got you covered. Our global network ensures that your music is properly registered and monetized in every territory, maximizing your earning potential wherever your fans are listening.



We believe in transparency every step of the way. With SINFONIASUBLIME, you’ll receive detailed royalty reports and analytics, giving you full visibility into how your music is performing and where your revenue is coming from.



Our team of publishing experts is here to support you every step of the way. Whether you have questions about your royalty statements or need assistance with copyright registration, we’re always just a phone call or email away.

SINFONIASUBLIME, offers you Publishing Administration where we administer the publishing hassle on your behalf. We’ll take care of all the aspects of the rights collection and this includes

  • Affiliation with a performing rights organization (PRO)
  • Registration of your songs with your PRO
  • Registration of your songs with every PRO worldwide
  • Global collection of performance royalties
  • Song registration with mechanical agencies
  • Collection from mechanical agencies worldwide
  • Collection of any royalties earned from sync placement

Don’t leave your publishing royalties on the table. Join the SINFONIASUBLIME family today and take control of your music’s earning potential. With our artist-friendly approach and global reach, we’ll help you collect the royalties you deserve while keeping your creative freedom intact.

Join SINFONIASUBLIME to Start Collecting!